

Instrumental method of personality type definition in Jung's typology and socionics.

The practice demonstrated ineffective and low percent of scoring effect by type definition with assistance test questions. Nowadays arise necessity in more objective forms of type definition. To my points of view on basis more then 3000 researches as more effective might be offered an instrumental method, which established on measuring electrical resistance in biological active points of palming  Side of human hand.

Essence of method. 

Be measured an electrical resistance in 7 biological active points of human hands with using of homeopathic cassette for colored diagnostic by 16 different psychological representatives of Jung's typology, which were definite beforehand by test questions and visual-analytic methods. As a basis were being examined most characteristics representatives of 16 types of human, in right definition there weren't doubt. 

The results estimated by fall point effects on indicators scale of apparatus. Be received 16 version fall of points affect on 2 various biological active points. Subsequently examined people, which had fall of points effect on similar biological active points were attached to the same type of human.

The rightness of type definition estimated by:

  1. Selfindentification.
  2. Attitude towards people in family, school classis, groups of students, business company e.t.c.
  3. Test questions (MBTI)
  4. Graphologicals mode.
  5. Visual-analytic mode by portraits similarity.
  6. Craniometrical index of types.

To us, socionic society, worked out the state purchases of mini radio set like Tomagouchy Toys, tuning on frequency of compatible partners.

It may use:

  1. For dual partners searching by creation psychology compatible marriage ties.
  2. In personal recruiting by forming business structures on principles of psychology compatible. 

Perspectives of development our method:

  1. Creation of computer program on type definition by photography, using craniometrical index.
  2. Definition of physiological markers the type of human. 

We can one offer joint teams job by creation of project on commercialrealization Instrumental method in typology or socionics.

To our school of Socionics was created scientific computer program for type definition by Photographing, using craniometrical index and signs of human face.

We ready to demonstrate our method of type definition and show trustworthy punctually Computer program.

Please send us the pictures of your friends and we definite them by Jung’s typology.

We will do it free charge.

Fields of using:
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